Monday, December 27, 2010

Snowy Day

My dear buddies in Boston are enduring a recent blizzard...I am blissfully in New Orleans while the storm hit (whew!) but I am thinking about the snow gear that is ESSENTIAL when this happens.

  1. Waterproof coat: I am a fan of something that gives you warmth and keeps you dry. My favorite is Lands' End's commuter coat: great colors, terrific lengths, and some key features that protect things like your hands: it has a sweater like sleeve at the cuff that prevents snow and water from draining in (you know how irritating that can be!)

  2. Mittens: I have learned these are the only way to keep your hands warm. Gloves are fine, but the key is that your fingers touch to foster warmth. Look for dry wick ones with fleece or shearling inside for optimal warmth. I am a fan of these from LLBean.

  3. Tall snow boots: I am 100% a supporter of Hunter boots. They are terrific as rain boots and then with the fleece inserts, they become PERFECT snow boots. Totally worth the money and you can mix and match colors to suit your preferences.

If any kind readers want to go by my casa and dig out my car, I'd be very grateful :) Until then, happy snow day!

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